Welcome To Our New Blog
This blog is only for the students of Meghand Saha Institute of Technology, Computer Science & Engg Department, 3rd Year. Here you can share e-books, pictures, videos, notes, can play games, listen to music and other amazing & interesting facts (not necessarily tho..) with your friends. What you have to do is just click on "Be an author" and register yourself as a blog author and post..!!! Thus you can share things with your friends...and make our blog more active and popular!!!...And importantly, the author who will post regularly and contribute much to the blog, will be granted administrative power of this Blog.
One more thing..buddies....its very important for most of us..."The Game Freaks"........if u r stuck with a particular game, or wish to let us try our hands on some cool gamez, do post in this blog. We will try our best to help you out!!!
You can also follow the blog publicly by clicking on the "FOLLOW" botton.
This blog offers widgets and gadgets of various kinds...!!...Visitors can come up with their opinions regarding development and upgradation of this blog by posting their comments in "CONTACT US" column.
Provisions are made to post comments regarding any post by any visitors...but they may be subjected to moderation.
One more thing....after you become an author.....do post regularly....but posts may be moderated or deleted by the administrator(well...dats me!!!) to avoid spamming.
So..what are you waiting for???........... Be an author and start blogging now!!!!!
Don't Know what to put up???
not to worry... buddy.. you can put up anything you wish...
● info/updates/fests of college.
● study materials
● computer tricks
● e-book launch
● software launch
● articles/literature
●Movie Reviews
●Computer Gamez & their reviews
● etc
Soumya Banerjee
Owner of the blog
8 Responses to Welcome To Our New Blog
it's very good idea by our very own mr. soumya :).. we all msit cse (cool & smart enginners) members'll try our best to maintain & fulfill the goal of this blog...
Any Questions....plz place them in the comments column!!
well...its for you guys to decide who is the bigger prat & of course the bigger bookworm!!!...I think I don't need to say much..
nice idea soumya....
do u al no that soumya has done it(the new look of the blog) with the help of our own beloved OR SIR.......
Arindam Chaudhury (AC)
@ Sayan Dutta:
Arindam sir was noway involved in this blog designing or creation...Donno where u got this goddamn notion...!!!!
dat's a cool idea soumya.
by d way make a place where we can store uncensored videos.
Sorry boss, but uncensored videos or pics are not allowed!!...Google doesn't give us that freedom..hope u got the drift!! :P
Something to say?